Nabab Development is a real estate and construction company belonging to the BIG group whose vision is to redefine luxury real estate on the African continent.

Our core competencies include residential developments, commercial developments, hospitality, and social housing.

Our constructions are aimed at discerning clients who wish to be associated only with unique, bespoke structures.

At Nabab Development, your Dream Home is the Rolls Royce at the cost of the Fiat.


One of our main goals is to use building systems that significantly reduce energy consumption by maximizing insulation to create more sustainable and self-sufficient buildings.


Become the leaders in the construction of prefabricated luxury real estate on the African continent.




Are defined by our objectives for the continent and by our slogan:

Luxury real estate within everyone’s reach


  • Architectural project
  • Geological studies
  • Landscape and urban planning
  • Decoration
  • Rental management, rental, sale



Team Nabab

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Me KALOU L. Tra Bi
PDG de Hydraulock Group

Me KALOU Louis Tra Bi, industriel et inventeur avec brevets d'invention, qui a une Maîtrise en Droit de l'université de l´Afrique du Sud est Président Fondateur de Hydraulock Group (Côte d´Ivoire, Afrique du Sud, France et USA). C'est un homme qui a pour objectif d'aider chaque Africain à avoir une maison.

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YEO Emmanuel L.
PDG de Lynays Corporation

Travailleur acharné et réel passionné de l´energie renouvelable, Mr YEO Emmanuel, diplômé de Southern Polytechnic State University en Georgie et de Cameron Unviersity en Oklohoma, Fondateur et PDG de Lynays Corporation, est détenteur de plusieurs prix d'excellence sur le continent dans son secteur d activité. Il a pour but et objectif de réduire le coût de l'énergie de 70% dans les ménages africains afin que tous soient épanouis dans nos maisons solaires.

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Emile GOH

Committed and hardworking, Emile “lives architecture”.
Experienced and ingenious, he has produced more than twenty buildings and architectural works. Concerned about the environment and the different aspects of your projects, he uses his know-how for a perfect result.

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Dr. Laurent KOFFI

After having visited more than 132 countries on the globe, Dr. Laurent KOFFI, holder of a Ph.D. in economics and perfectionist at heart, has for mission to redefine luxury real estate and make the lines move on the continent.

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Yvonne Abena AGGREY
Representative Accra, Ghana

With many years in the Real Estate business, Yvonne Abena Aggrey remains a passionate, dedicated, and professional Realtor who is our representative in the beautiful city of Accra, Ghana. Read more

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Thierry AMON

A Passionate jurist about the security of real estate transactions, Thierry Amon who has more than 15 years of notarial collaboration is your major asset for the security of the sales and acquisitions of real estate.


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